Sunday Mornings
We gather for worship together in our sanctuary every Sunday morning at 10:30AM.
Preceding the service, we offer a variety of educational opportunities in our Sunday Morning Bible Study, which convene at 9:30AM and are open to all – visitors and members alike!
“Worship is a drama in which each week is re-enacted the story of redemption.”
—Soren Kierkegaard
Worship Services
What kind of worship will I find at FBC?
There is a lot of discussion about worship “style” in churches these days. Before we answer what kind of worship, we think we need to talk about what worship is to us. At FBC, we believe worship is our authentic response to God’s love. Worship aids us to deepen our living faith in Jesus the Christ.
Thus, questions about whether we do contemporary or traditional worship kind of bother us. Aren’t all worship services today contemporary – that is, aren’t they now? Don’t all services have some sort of tradition – even if is the tradition of that congregation? We just don’t want to be defined by style. We would rather be defined by authenticity.
Timely and Timeless
We desire a worship service that is both timely – that is relevant to the 21st Century – while still being timeless – that is not bound to the latest trend. We try to use a variety of styles that reflect our historic faith as well as reflecting the ways we believe God is still revealed to us. We are timeless in that we observe parts of the Christian year like Advent and Lent; we are also timely that we want our worship to speak to the hurts and praises of the world today.
We like to say our worship is eclectic. We use our piano and organ weekly. With those instruments, you might hear the flute accompany an old favorite one Sunday, an African American spiritual the next week, and an energetic recent piece the week after that. One Sunday might include hand bells and the next a creative arts piece. For us, proclaiming Christ and the theme for that Sunday is far more important than “style” considerations.
We like for worship to be participatory. We believe that authentic worship calls for our response and our action in the world. We promise we won’t embarrass you or call on you in the service, but we do want you to bring the gifts God gave you to worship.
For everyone
We believe worship is for everyone – not just adults. Our pastor strives to preach messages that all ages can appreciate.
What do I have to wear to come to FBC?
Our church has adults that wear suits and dresses, and we have folks that wear shorts and golf shirts. Most of our adults wear business casual. Your attitude is more important than your attire to us, and, we believe, to God.
(Thanks for our friends at the Second Baptist Church of Little Rock, AR, from whom we borrowed in the conversation about worship.)